What To Do In Quarantine? Make Instagram Interior
Here are some simple tips from a designer.
Weeks of self-isolation dropped the Internet live broadcasts, the number of which Instagram does not recall in the entire history of existence. The need for a permanent presence at home made many people not only review the routine of everyday life, but also how to get to know their own space, which used to be an option for a strange hotel: places for breakfast, storage, evening TV shows and sleep.
What can be done in conditions of self-isolation so as not to frighten people away with their interior and to make the house look – yes, is this a terrible word – instagram? A famous designer, was asked to answer these questions.
Instagramminess as a category of interior design and without self-isolation was popular: restaurants have specially prepared delicious dishes and cocktails for a long time so that they look good in photos on social networks, and designers design public spaces so that it is a continuous photo zone. Over the past couple of years, we have seen a trend in instagram interiors among private customers, especially if these are public people and they need not only design for life, but also its photogenicity.
To take spectacular photos and videos, you need to rethink about the interior, think through the details that you previously did not pay attention to. The most elementary is the mood-setting decor, and it is easy to order now in online stores. Candlesticks, unusual table accessories, marble trays, ceramic vases and decorative cushions can catch your eye. Mirrors will also decorate the house spectacularly, and floor-standing ones can be used, so that if you wish, you can later transfer them to another room.
If you want to highlight some zone, think about the carpet. Let’s say, there is a huge selection of forms, drawings and textures that will help create a composition and delimit spaces. The current trend is the unification of the living room and dining room into a certain lounge, and just the carpet can become a demarcation line between them. A round rug can be laid on a carpet or laid one rug on another from different angles – this is an excellent technique.

For those who continue to work at home, the issue of designing a workplace is relevant. It is psychologically important to separate it from the space where you relax. If there is no office, select a special corner for this task. Well, when you manage to put the desktop to the window, more light and a look at the street will bring emotional relief. Complement your office area with accessories and details that seem to talk about your business mood: table baskets for small items, book stoppers, and interesting watches will tell you that you are pedantic and attentive to details.
Indoor plants can partially make up for the lack of fresh air. If you don’t really like fresh flowers or think that it is difficult to care for them, opt for cacti, succulents or ivy that can give freshness. Home trees can be considered more difficult as decorative elements that build the composition of space. In design, we think about the verticals and horizons that pervade the room: for example, a tall palm tree in the tub will set the desired line in height, a composition in a flat planter can emphasize the length of the table or console, and two large planters with trees on either side of the window or doorway will help set symmetry.
Plants fit perfectly into eco-style, which generally creates a feeling of calm and comfort. To create this mood, stop at the natural shades of the walls and furniture, use natural materials and textiles. Next to the background wall, painted in a shade of olive or baked milk, linen curtains will look good. In such an interior, you can add wicker baskets or lamp shades, simple vases from transparent glass with picturesque birch branches.

If you want to broadcast charisma and brightness around your image, then you can go in different ways. The first, radical is to repaint the walls. Fill at least one wall with color blocks, buying a couple of cans of paint – this color therapy with bright accents works great in our gray strip.

The second option is a reception with geometric patterns on furniture or walls, which can be done using Japanese decorative scotch tape or vinyl stickers. Such experiments are worth trying at the head of the bedroom – you certainly won’t be annoyed – but with the wall in the living room I would wait. Highlighting architectural elements (columns, doorways) or installing a bright object in a monochrome room is another alternative.

One iconic chair, a coffee table from the 1970s and 1980s, or any object of an unusual shape can become a magnet for attention in a perfectly built frame. And for those who want something new, but not ultramodern, I advise you to study the concept of “techno craft”. This is the name of items produced in high-tech industries, but with the introduction of craft techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. This synthesis will fit perfectly into modern Scandinavian design and get along with vintage objects.

When we spend little time at home, we don’t think about how much the interior is in tune with us personally. The personification of space is helped by art: your chosen painting or sculpture serves not only as a kind of meditative object, but can also transmit your cultural codes. Now you can buy not only painting or graphics with delivery – vintage posters or simple sculpture-installations are also suitable. By the way, even a mess can be justified in the apartment of a creative person, therefore, if you yourself is an artist, then in the workshop I would not advise rushing to pedantically bring beauty.